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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Differences in humans and apes

What I'm going to do here is to give some references requested by Dimensio. Each link will contain the demonstrated difference that is being requested.

1. Larger Brain size and mental capability
2. Unable to master complex language
3. Explains physical differences in humans and hominids
4. Some physical differences including some sexual differences
5. Under characteristics of Great Apes on Wikipedia


Dimensio said...

1. Larger Brain size and mental capability

No diagnostic physical characteristic of the "ape" superfamily is stated in the linked article.

2. Unable to master complex language

The lack of ability to master complex language is not a diagnostic physical characteristic.

3. Explains physical differences in humans and hominids

I find it interesting that an astrophysicist, a chemist and a philosopher are consulted on the subject, while no biologist opinion is solicited. While a number of false and misleading claims are made within the video, I will only address the video is it relates to your attempt to respond to my previous inquiry.

Dr. Rana notes certain specific differences between Homo sapiens sapiens and certain specific ape species, but he identifies no specific characteristic of all apes -- that is, a property that is universal across all non-human ape species -- that humans do not possess that is used to define an organism as an "ape".

An issue is made of brain size, however the biological definition of "ape" imposes no requirements regarding brain size, thus "brain size", whether large or small, is not a diagnostic physical characteristic of apes (note; if you disagree with me, please provide a professional biological reference that requires that apes possess a brain size proportionate to their body size within a specified range).

4. Some physical differences including some sexual differences

A number of physical characteristics are presented in this article, however you will need to specify which are diagnostic of apes. Note that I can already identify some characteristics listed that are not characteristic of apes; as non-ape organisms also possess a baculum, the presence of such a bone cannot be considered a diagnostic characteristic. The presence of mammaries is a diagnostic characteristic of mammals in general, however the specific shape of mammaries on apes is not a diagnostic characteristic because it can be applied to non-apes also. Full body hair is not a diagnostic characteristic of apes either, again because it occurs in non-ape organisms.

Please identify the characteristics listed in the article that you assert are diagnostic of apes (that is, characteristics whose presence classifies the organism as an "ape" and not as a "non-ape" -- thus a baculum would not qualify as its presence is also found in canines, yet the observation of it does not classify canines as apes).

5. Under characteristics of Great Apes on Wikipedia

You are citing a resource that explicitly states that humans are Great Apes.

verandoug said...

One thing you have to realize is that the majority of scientists that are also creationists rarely get a platform to speak. However, the beauty of using this information from secular science is seeing the way it fits a biblical model and that the scientist is forced to admit it. Then I can take those pieces of information, disregard their conclusion that is imposed on the evidence, and show how it better fits the biblical model.

So in terms of the first point, the article must admit that humans have a bigger brain. This is further pointed out in the first youtube I shared.

There was a point made in one of these that mentioned that it wasn't only the cognitive ability to speak and think in abstract ways but the larynx is not made for the level of communication that man possesses. I listened to that on one of the iTune podcasts. Neanderthals Speak Again After 30,000 Years

A number of physical characteristics are presented in this article, however you will need to specify which are diagnostic of apes. Note that I can already identify some characteristics listed that are not characteristic of apes; as non-ape organisms also possess a baculum, the presence of such a bone cannot be considered a diagnostic characteristic.

This would be irrelevant to our discussion. The fact that some animals possess some aspects of man is not indicative of the differences. We would expect to see that because God is modeling the whole thing to portray His eternal invisible attributes and Godhead. So we would expect to see character attributes in nature.

5. Under characteristics of Great Apes on Wikipedia

You are citing a resource that explicitly states that humans are Great Apes.

I just wanted you to see that one point. Wikipedia is a biased source that leans toward your way of thinking. I use them whenever I can because at times, they are forced to present the truth when it fits the Bible and I like that. I love to point out truth when it is staring one in the face.

No other animal possesses the qualities of man. That is an obvious truth and to suggest that man is on the level of the animals is to place him on the level of animals in every regard, which is what we are seeing in places like Fantasy Fest. I have never seen such unbelievable depravity in my entire life from people dismissing their conscience to act like animals.


Anonymous said...


Despite I know you will not understand what I am saying:

What you are doing is pointing to the characteristics that differentiate humans from other apes. If we followed this logic, then no ape would be an ape. Each species has characteristics that differentiate them from the rest.

So, bigger brain means that hmans are the apes with the largest brain. That is it.


verandoug said...


What you are doing is pointing to the characteristics that differentiate humans from other apes. If we followed this logic, then no ape would be an ape. Each species has characteristics that differentiate them from the rest.

So, bigger brain means that hmans are the apes with the largest brain. That is it.

There are some clips on this that explain the chimp/human comparison.

Human/chimp DNA comparisons - recombination hot spots (aired on 04-05-05)

